
Curty is now a full-time content creator, having left his proper job early in 2019. Saying goodbye to the daily grind, Curty now spends his time on Twitch with his unique brand of tactical ineptness, yet still providing top-notch quality entertainment! The self-proclaimed Champ of FM on Twitch started his journey within the realms of Football Manager content creation on YouTube in 2016, with his criminally under-viewed West Ham series, ‘Hammers & Fails’. Other series’ have followed, but the decision to move to streaming on Twitch was made after seeing the fun and interaction Teach & FMDoop were having on the platform whilst live with their original network save.

Curty is an Aldershot Town (who?) fan IRL and has put them on the Football Manager map with his series ‘Curty Calls The Shots’. He’s also had a few failures in there - we won’t talk about the disastrous Tottenham & Man City saves he attempted - but Curty’s community will attest to the fact that they enjoy seeing him fail in game; it tends to make for more entertaining content!

Curty’s channel is built on streaming Football Manager, but as a wrestling fan, don’t be surprised to see him streaming a WWE 2K title. He is the Champ after all…

If you want to contact Curty, you can do so directly on twitter @CurtyFM, or via email at



Twitch partner. I mostly stream Football Manager but have been known to dip my toe in the variety bucket. For business enquiries email